Maximum flexibility to help optimize your business needs, and most importantly your cash flow.
Pour More Beer With Less Kegs. Talk With Our Team To Find Out How.
Get the kegs you need, when you need them. No long-term contracts mean you can scale your operations up or down effortlessly, without being locked into restrictive terms. Focus on growth, not constraints.
Only pay for the kegs you’re actively using—on a per-day basis. Once a keg is returned to, or picked up by the Kegshare Network, billing stops immediately, helping you optimize costs and cash flow.
Forget about empty keg fees from distributors, and cut out storage, handling, or maintenance expenses. Need more kegs? Access them from any of our 33 Kegshare Access Partners conveniently located.
19.5 litre > 11.2¢ per day
30 litre > 13.2¢ per day
50 litre > 15¢ per day
19.5 litre > 10.8¢ per day
30 litre > 12.2¢ per day
50 litre > 13.8¢ per day
Contact Kegshare Team
Our efficient pooled keg fleet means you need fewer kegs than when managing owned or leased kegs - there’s no reporting needed - reducing your logistics burden and driving significant cost savings.
For peace of mind, billing on lost or unreturned kegs is capped at 4 years—the equivalent value of the keg—ensuring you’re not penalized indefinitely.
Unlock value from your inefficient and underutilized owned kegs. Kegshare offers cash or credit when selling your kegs, converting idle assets into working capital.